Expand the Capabilities of Your Vehicle Scale...
The IND310 terminal is designed to provide a flexible system for processing inbound/outbound weighing transactions.
Features and Benefits
In addition to Vehicle ID and transaction tables, the IND310 offers four configurable database tables for storing user-defined information (defaults are product, customer, and destination tables). You can accumulate weights by Vehicle ID or by fields within any of the user-defined tables. Search capabilities speed up transactions by locating data quickly. Outbound mode provides two variable fields for adding remarks, such as qualitative statements or fully variable ones (for example, moisture content or dockage amount).
An interactive, graphic display makes the terminal easy to operate for anyone familiar with personal computers. You can connect a QWERTY keyboard to the terminal to simplify navigation and data entry. Information is organized on intuitive screens that help the operator set up data tables, retrieve data quickly for transactions, and configure system functions. The display is also used for customizing reports and tickets.
One terminal can control two vehicle scales, allowing inbound and outbound weighing on separate scales. Because the IND310 is compatible with both analog and digital load cell technologies, it gives you plenty of options. If you have one analog scale and one digital scale, you can control both with a single terminal and shared database. Or you can upgrade scales from analog to digital without replacing the terminal.
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